20. Lessons From Japan

3 min readFeb 21, 2023


As I often mention, I’ve spent 3 years in Japan. Precisely in the south of the country. The city, called Beppu, is located in Oita Prefecture. They are on Kyushu Island. You’ll also find Fukuoka prefecture.

Beppu has many international communities because Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University that have students from over the world. It is a private University. You’ll find approximately 89 nationalities in the University. Which made the local community and the setting of the city foreigner friendly.

If you decide to go to beppu from Tokyo ; you have 2 ways. By air you’ll land in Oita Airport and from there you’ll take a bus shuttle to beppu. Or from Tokyo, you’ll land in Fukuoka airport and … maaan I forget. The second way is by bus. You’ll have to take the night bus and be patient.

Gastronomically, beppu & Oita are famous for their Karaague a fried crispy chicken with a secret recipe. Besides; Beppu is famous for its onsen (hot springs). It has eight major geothermal hot spots, sometimes referred to as the “eight hells of Beppu” among many others.

During my 3 years, I learned about respecting the process because it is the core of a system based on trust. That same trust is based on the fact that things are as they are because the process worked for many people.

I learned to be able to appreciate my own company because others are busy, and they are dealing with more than I can imagine. I think that’s the price to pay to be a developed country. Because there is a pace, and if you can’t follow it; you’ll be behind. And since you are behind, you won’t find many people to lean on. Tho, it doesn’t mean that individualism is everywhere.

(Again) I learned that respect is important. Moreover, respecting people’s choices and way of life. Believe me, you’ll find the most amazing and amusing people ever. Respecting people’s space is also significant everywhere. In the bus, for example. You can’t use the next sit if the 1st one is occupied. Unless you are 2 friends that are hanging out… or if you are a couple.

I learned that appreciation and awareness matter a lot because they can make others feel uncomfortable. Saying every time thank you, or please, or sorry does not mean you are a people pleaser. Because it is significant to show awareness toward people around you. If you don’t say thank you after someone did something for you, there are chances that the same person thinks he/she did not do it well. Awareness is also to stay home when you are sick because you might contaminate others around you.

I’ll stop on these 3 and end with a little story. Once, I was in a café in Dakar (yes I love café), and after I was done with my mug. Instead of leaving it on my table, I, naturally, took it to the counter. The staff was surprised to see me coming with my mug. One of them asked if there was a problem, I said no and just said that it is a habit I got from Japan and someone else added “yup you are not from here” we laughed, and I told them about my background and (as usual) they were all surprised.




Digital and Creative Consultant — Pop Culture Lover — Geek and Chic — Love to explore creativity's possibilities 📚👨🏾‍💻